December 27, 2010

Movie Night: Crocodile Dundee II.

Review #024: Crocodile Dundee II.

Paul Hogan (Michael J. 'Crocodile' Dundee), Linda Kozlowski (Sue Charlton), John Meillon (Walter Reilly), Hechter Ubarry (Luis Rico), Juan Fernández (Miguel), Charles S. Dutton (Leroy Brown), Kenneth Welsh (Brannigan), Stephen Root (DEA Agent), Dennis Boutsikaris (Bob Tanner), Ernie Dingo (Charlie), Steve Rackman (Donk), and Gerry Skilton (Nugget) Directed by John Cornell.

While this sequel may seem just plain ridiculous, at least it tries to do something orignal. The film isn't really that funny considering the plot tone, but at least it's watchable. It certainly didn't need a sequel (Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles)

Overall, I give it 5 out of 10 stars.

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