May 20, 2011

Movie Night: The Sixth Sense.

Review #039: The Sixth Sense.

Bruce Willis (Dr. Malcolm Crowe), Haley Joel Osment (Cole Sear), Toni Collette (Lynn Sear), Olivia Williams (Anna Crowe), Donnie Wahlberg (Vincent Grey), Glenn Fitzgerald (Sean), Mischa Barton (Kyra Collins) Directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

Ah, this movie. This jump started M. Night Shyamalan's career, and most regret that he made more after. Granted, I have not actually watched any of his films (That would require me having to say "Let's watch The Happening" with a straight voice) Anyway, this film has suspense that develops as the film progresses. It doesn't rely on CGI, most of the effects are just for the dead, as it scares using moments such as the school scene (won't spoil it) or the famous hospital scene. The film foreshadows what you get in the end, which then makes you want to watch it again to see if you missed anything. This films benefits from good atmosphere and good acting, especially from Willis. Directing is fine, but if you thought it would get better, you're wrong. Dead wrong (Pardon the pun)

Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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