December 15, 2012

Movie Night: Hudson Hawk.


Review #307: Hudson Hawk.

Bruce Willis (Eddie Hawkins), Danny Aiello (Tommy "Five-Tone" Messina), Andie MacDowell (Anna Baragli), James Coburn (George Kaplan), Sandra Bernhard (Minerva Mayflower), Richard E. Grant (Darwin Mayflower), Donald Burton (Alfred), Andrew Bryniarski (Butterfinger), David Caruso (Kit Kat), Lorraine Toussaint (Almond Joy), and Don Harvey (Snickers) Directed by Michael Lehmann.

This film is what would happen if you meshed many ideas, people and themes into a blender, and after the mixing is over, there is a bit of substance added into. That substance is known as the 1990's. An odd fact is that Bruce Willis wrote the story to this film, and this is probably why he stuck to just starring in films instead of writing them. But is this film any good? One word can describe the film: Yikes. Swashbuckling yikes. You think that with a intriguing cast selection there would be more effort put into it. If I had to compare this film to any film, I'd compare it to the 1960's Batman (#177) film and the series. How come? Silliness ensuing with bizarre villains who just "coincidentally" want to take over the world. It also has Candy Bar agents. This has been called an "action comedy", but I like to call it an absurd-comedy (comedy being a loose word here), an "absurdy", if you will. 

I almost forgot to mention the acting performances, which range from deliberately silly to deliberately over the top (Possibly another word for silly), yet again resembling a Batman episode. You might think that it is a bit dumb to criticize this film for its surreal humor (I sure hope so, as for all I know it was meant to be serious, but they did this on purpose) with cartoonish slapstick. However, my reasoning is that it fails in some of those respects. It's mind-numbingly silly, it isn't entirely useful, and it (somewhat) does the crime of not being that funny.  But hey, what do I know.

Overall, I give it 5 out of 10 stars.

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