June 26, 2014

Movie Night: Three Colors: Blue.

Review #601: Three Colors: Blue.

Juliette Binoche (Julie de Courcy Vignon), Benoît Régent (Olivier Benôit), Emmanuelle Riva (Madame Vignon), Florence Pernel (Sandrine), Guillaume de Tonquédec (Serge), Charlotte Very (Lucille), and Yann Trégouët (Antoine) Directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski.

Krzysztof Kieślowski was a Polish filmmaker that had directed numerous films for 20 years, closing out his career with a trilogy of films, the first being Blue, the second being White, and the last being Red (with this being a film from France-Poland-Switzerland film, with the first two languages being spoken in the movie). The movies are unrelated to one another in most ways, the movies could be watched in any order, but I'll start with Blue first anyway. It is fun to review world cinema films (preferably with no dubbing because it is fun to read subtitles), and Blue is a treat. This is a powerful movie that is beautiful to watch and listen to. It's a movie that reveals its layers over time, it becomes more then just about one character's attempt at cold solitude, it becomes something new, a wonderful movie that is emotionally charged, from sadness to isolation to passion. The movie has a good deal of blue tinges, such as blue beads, the water in the pool Julie swims in constantly, and so on. This is a movie that has so much effort put into it by the actors. Binoche is simply stunning in her performance, you can see the levels of development she goes through simply by her facial expressions, and she interacts with the cast nicely. This is a great movie that is incredible in its emotion and level of passion it inflicts. Blue and White share one scene, which is a crucial scene in the beginning of the next film, which I'll cover in the next review.

Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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