May 4, 2012

Movie Night: Iron Man.

Review #135: Iron Man.

Robert Downey, Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Terrence Howard (James "Rhodey" Rhodes), Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane), Shaun Toub (Yinsen), Gwyneth Paltrow (Virgina "Pepper" Potts), Faran Tahir (Raza), Paul Bettany (J.A.R.V.I.S.), Leslie Bibb (Christine Everhart), and Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson) Directed by Jon Favreau.

Normally, I do not use some words to describe films here, because they don't feel right to use in that context. But I think this is an exception. In a word, this film is...Awesome. The acting is good, with Downey and Bridges doing the best jobs of this film. The action is good, with a story that changes from one act to another, along the style. The directing is good, with an alright climax that sets everything in motion, such as setting for the sequel, and setting up the arc that would lead to the Avengers, with two of which that already have been reviewed in Thor (#041) and Captain America: The First Avenger (#060).

Overall, I give it 9 out of 10 stars.

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