December 21, 2010

Movie Night: X-Men: The Last Stand.

Review #012: X-Men: The Last Stand.

Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Halle Berry (Storm), Ian McKellen (Magento), Patrick Stewart (Xavier), Famke Janssen (Jean Grey), Anna Paquin (Rouge), Kelsey Grammer (Beast), James Marsden (Cyclops), Rebecca Romijn (Mystique), Shaun Ashmore (Iceman), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), and Vinnie Jones (Juggernaut) Directed by Brett Ratner (#305 - Rush Hour and #306 - Rush Hour 2)

Well, the film is shorter then the second one, which gives it less time to make it's plots and points as the film seems a little rushed, though it seems to want to show more characters that end up appearing for a few seconds. The acting is fine, but Vinnie Jones stands out for the meme worthy performance, particularly: "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!". It's so inane that it makes up for  The characters do great, except for some characters like Angel who are barely in at all, despite being on the cover of the DVD I have. The story is odd for the most part. It seems to come out of nowhere, while conflicting with Jean's arc, which probably would've been a much more interesting story to focus on exclusively.  Overall, the ending is kinda ambiguous, as the film leaves clues about a fourth film (the final scene, the scene after the end credits), though why hasn't there been one? It makes us want more, and that's the problem. It makes you wonder what could have been if they had got a better director for the job.

UPDATE: Thank you X-Men: Days of Future Past, for being a good installment, while also managing to erase a good portion of this film. Of course, that also means the other two films don't count either, but to hell with all of that, I stand by my rating for this film.

Overall, I give 6 out of 10 stars.

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