December 24, 2010

Movie Night: Die Hard with a Vengeance.

Review #018: Die Hard with a Vengeance.

Bruce Willis (NYPD Lieutenant John McClane), Samuel L. Jackson (Zeus Carver), Jeremy Irons (Simon Gruber), Graham Greene (NYPD Detective Joe Lambert), Colleen Camp (NYPD Detective Connie Kowalski), Larry Bryggman (NYPD Inspector Walter Cobb), Anthony Peck (NYPD Detective Ricky Walsh), Nick Wyman (Mathias Targo), Sam Phillips (Katya), and Kevin Chamberlin (Charles Weiss) Directed by John McTiernan.

As a movie that connects itself with the first film while ignoring the second film (with McTiernan returning to direct this film), it's a good if not perfect movie. Willis and Jackson are pretty good together as a duo, having pretty good scenes in the midst of fairly established tension for both them and the plot. It veers into being like a cartoon with the action at times, but it manages to keep itself going relatively well. Irons is a decent villain, not simply just being the brother of the guy from the first film. Ultimately, there's enough to keep one entertained in this third installment of a franchise that usually delivers some thrills.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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