May 21, 2016

Shadow of a Doubt.

Review #800: Shadow of a Doubt.

Teresa Wright (Charlotte "Charlie" Newton), Joseph Cotten (Charles "Charlie" Oakley), Macdonald Carey (Detective Jack Graham), Patricia Collinge (Emma Newton), Henry Travers (Joseph Newton), Wallace Ford (Detective Fred Saunders), Hume Cronyn (Herbie Hawkins), and Edna May Wonacott (Ann Newton) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (#219 - Rope, #223 - North by Northwest, #446 - Spellbound, #447 - Psycho, #450 - Vertigo, #455 - Rear Window, and #553 - Strangers on a Train)

Shadow of a Doubt benefits a great deal from being so tightly wound with suspense and thrills that never let up from beginning to end, the hallmark of a great film noir. Cotten is the first one introduced on screen, and whenever he appears he certainly has an alluring, likable charm, making for such a brilliant villain; when he lets out his other side (such as when he compares rich widows to fat wheezing animals) sneak onto the surface, it certainly makes for making this character very definable and very effective. Wright does a fine job as well, making for a great lead in that she has depth to her, not just being someone who happens to play onto all of these events; she has her struggles and her doubts about someone near to her, and it is all easy to relate and thus makes her character well defined. When she finally discovers the truth, it's a great scene because it finally culminates the clues sprinkled in beforehand (the inscription of the ring, ripping out a page of the paper, etc.), and the movie soon shifts into a game between the two Charlies. Wright and Carey share a good (if not extremely quick) rapport as well. The supporting cast is well done, doing their purpose and roles nicely, because they fit the movie well, being neither too distracting nor unhelpful to the plot. The final scene between the two of them is excellent, being a quick and effective climax that seals the movie neatly. Hitchcock described it as his favorite film, and it's evident that this really is one of his best films.

With that, 800 reviews have been written by yours truly in 1,979 days from December 20, 2010 to the present day. I am proud to have done this for over 5 years, and I am glad to have broadcast these reviews to all of you, wherever you are. I hope you enjoy this review, along with the previous and future installments of this show.

Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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