September 9, 2013

Movie Night: Vertigo.

Review #450: Vertigo.

James Stewart (John Ferguson), Kim Novak (Madeleine Elster), Barbara Bel Geddes (Midge Wood), Tom Helmore (Gavin Elster), Henry Jones (Coroner), Ellen Corby (Hotel owner), and Konstantin Shayne (Pop Leibel) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (#219 - Rope, #223 - North by Northwest, #446 - Spellbound, and #447 - Psycho)

Arguably one the best films of all time, I decided to give this a watch, and for such a landmark, I thought it'd be nice to do. Likewise, the film rewarded me by being an excellent film. James Stewart (who noticeably shows silver hair) does a fine job, though this was one of his last films where he was the romantic lead, and it does show, but Stewart always did manage to do an excellent job, no matter what the age. Kim Novak is noticeable and does a fine job in her role, and together with Stewart, makes for great scenes, such as when the love scene near the waves, with such tension making a memorable and effective scene. The twist in the film occurs near the end of the film and I do like the twist not because it comes completely out of nowhere, but because it doesn't define the film, it doesn't become the spectacle, it's the film that does it itself (an example of that would probably be any of M. Night Shamalyan's films), and Hitchcock is, as usual, effective in his direction. Is it the greatest film of all time? Sight and Sound's 2012 poll likes to think so, over Citizen Kane (#200), but trying to determine the greatest film by argument takes more time to do then by just watching. Whatever you might think is the greatest (or favorite, whichever word), Vertigo has a foothold in excellence and shines alongside other great films and Hitchcock's best. Take it for what it's worth. I'd like to thank all of you for putting up with me for over 2 years and 450 reviews, and I assure you there will be more to come on Movie Night. Thank you. I'd like to make an announcement about the seasons that accompany this, as it will change to a January 1-December 31st season effective next year. Thank you.

Overall I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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