August 13, 2012

Movie Night: Rope.

Review #219: Rope.

James Stewart (Rupert Cadell), John Dall (Brandon Shaw), Farley Granger (Phillip Morgan), Douglas Dick (Kenneth Lawrence), Joan Chandler (Janet Walker), Cedric Hardwicke (Mr. Henry Kentley), Constance Collier (Mrs. Anita Atwater), Douglas Dick (Kenneth Lawrence), and Edith Evanson (Mrs. Wilson) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Before I begin, today is Alfred Hitchcock's 113th birthday (born August 13, 1899). You might be wondering why I'm not reviewing something more known (such as Psycho, Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest) The reason is because I wanted to review something different for a change. The film is an interesting experiment, filmed with long shots with no interruption (In short the effect of a single take while actually being 10), all operating in real time. The performances are good, especially from Stewart and Dall. While the film takes its time before getting to its climax, it is intriguing enough to keep you watching. And lastly, the directing is good. And that is all you need in a good film.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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