August 18, 2012

Movie Night: WALL-E.

Review #222: WALL-E.

Ben Burtt (WALL-E), Elissa Knight (EVE), Jeff Garlin (Captain B. McCrea), Fred Willard (Shelby Forthright), John Ratzenberger (John), Kathy Najimy (Mary), Sigourney Weaver (Computer), and MacInTalk (Auto) Directed by Andrew Stanton (#155 - Finding Nemo)

The film uses emotions conveyed silently with occasional voices, like a silent film. And in the end, the film still works out (Fun fact: Pixar watched Chaplin and Keaton films to help animate) In a film like this, it doesn't use much acting, but when it does (like I said a few lines ago), it works. The animation is extensive and good. It can make you range in emotions while watching to chuckling to a bit of sadness (depends on the range of person). It's a useful film that is entertaining and interesting to the end. It takes inspirations from films (Such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Short Circuit) and uses it to its advantage. It's a love story (sort of) mixed in whit other elements to make a good, if not great film. Truly an another success for Pixar.

Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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