March 1, 2013

Movie Night: Monsieur Verdoux.

Review #353: Monsieur Verdoux.

Charlie Chaplin (Henri Verdoux), Martha Raye (Annabella Bonheur), Isobel Elsom (Marie Grosnay), Margaret Hoffman (Lydia Floray), Marilyn Nash (The Girl), Barbara Slater (The Florist), Irving Bacon (Pierre Couvais), Edwin Mills (Jean Couvais), Virginia Brissac (Carlotta Couvais), Almira Sessions (Lena Couvais), Eula Morgan (Phoebe Couvais), and William Frawley (Jean La Salle) Directed by Charlie Chaplin.

I thought it might've been a good idea to review a 40s film, especially for March 1st. And what do you know, it stars none other than Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin is a legend whose career spanned over four decades, directing, starring, writing, and composing his own films, and this film is one of them. A fun fact is that Orson Welles suggested the idea of the film. So how is the film is the actual question.'s real good. Its dark humor seems to hit a chord with me, and Chaplin manages get some laughs here and there. The writing works, it certainly feels fun and strangely it is kinda sad when it ends, because you kinda don't want it to end, it has a feel that grows on you after a while, where you keep watching for Chaplin and for the fun. That, and it is very well made.

Overall, I give it 9 out of 10 stars.

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