April 7, 2014

Movie Night: 21 Jump Street.

Review #568: 21 Jump Street.

Jonah Hill (Morton Schmid), Channing Tatum (Greg Jenko), Dave Franco (Eric Molsen), Brie Larson (Molly), Rob Riggle (Mr. Walter), DeRay Davis (Domingo), Ice Cube (Capt. Dickson), Dax Flame (Zack), and Chris Parnell (Mr. Gordon) Directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller (#540 - The Lego Movie)

21 Jump Street is based off the television series of the same name, and is not a remake this time, so at least that's going in the movie's favor. The movie even features cameos from Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise, the two original stars from the show, trying to connect the two together, and it works. But how is the movie? It works pretty good. Hill and Tatum are a good duo together, both with their own characteristics, neither getting more screentime than the other, they have good scenes together (Such as the scene where they both try to jump a car, also the scene where they celebrate their first arrest), and they make a good team, they're funny to watch and they never get on your nerves. The movie is a deconstruction of cliches, it has a good deal of bite and a good deal of fun with the source material, never wearing its welcome. It's a movie with a good supporting cast (Ice Cube is a pretty decent actor who can be funny at times with the right material, such as this movie) and just the right amount of fun to make this tolerable and fun to watch.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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