May 25, 2012

Movie Night: Norbit.

Review #147: Norbit.

Eddie Murphy (Norbit Rice/Rasputia Latimore/Mr. Hangten Wong), Thandie Newton (Kate Thomas), Terry Crews a(Big Black Jack), Clifton Powell (Earl), Lester 'Rasta' Speight (Blue), Cuba Gooding Jr. (Deion Hughes), Eddie Griffin (Pope Sweet Jesus), and Katt Williams (Lord Have Mercy) Directed by Brian Robbins.

Eddie Murphy has tried to be funny for a long time. Some (Trading Places, Coming to America, Shrek, Beverly Hills Cop) more then others (Meet Dave, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Imagine That). This...Well, let's start small. The makeup is decent (Actually getting an Oscar nomination for it) The acting...*sigh* isn't really there. Murphy tries to do something in this flick, but it doesn't help. The main flaw with this is that it is not very inspired. It makes the same kind of joke that keeps running into the film, making you feel fun at first, but by the end, it just makes you feel chuckle very lightly. You don't feel anything for this film, you'll remember a joke or two, but only because this film causes "Movie Remember Syndrome" That is when you remember a film only because of how weird/bad/odd it is (There is an opposite to it. They call it "Good Flicks") I guess the reason some people like it is because of all the bizarre rapid fire jokes...Murphy needs to go back to the drawing board, find an actual writer, find an actual premise (for example of drama: Dreamgirls), and find a better movie. Countdown to 150: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3...

Overall, I give it 4 out of 10 stars.

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