December 20, 2011

Movie Night: The Iron Giant.

Review #083: The Iron Giant.

Eli Marienthal (Hogarth Hughes), Vin Diesel (The Iron Giant), Jennifer Aniston (Annie Hughes), Harry Connick, Jr (Dean), Christopher McDonald (Kent Mansely), and John Mahoney (General Rogard) Directed by Brad Bird.

This film is based on The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes. Now then, this film is a Dis-No wait, it's a Warner Bros Animated film. This film is beautifully animated, with a good story and good lessons to go along with it. This is the start for Brad Bird, who would go on to win 2 Best Animated Feature Oscars for Pixar (The 2 films I just listed) The robot is really cool looking, it is the main attraction that gets the screen-time, but the beauty of the film is that it makes you wait for it, savoring the fun for all. It's a throwback to the 50's, with Duck and Covers, the style, and other little stuff in there. A recommended film. This starts Season 2 (Which lasted from December 20, 2011 - December 19, 2012)

Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.

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