January 26, 2012

Movie Night: Terminator Salvation.

Review #090: Terminator Salvation.

Christian Bale (John Connor), Sam Worthington (Marcus Wright), Anton Yelchin (Kyle Reese), Moon Bloodgood (Blair Williams), Bryce Dallas Howard (Kate Connor), Common (Barnes), Helena Bonham Carter (Dr. Serena Kogan/Skynet), and Michael Ironside (General Ashdown). Directed by McG.

So. We have seen how the films have evolved in a sense. From a good sci-fi film, to a great sequel, to Arnold saying "Talk to the hand", to...this. The only reason that the casting credits is different from others is because this cast has done other, better films then this. This is the fourth film in this series, and it is the worst. The film feels like a prequel, as we already know who lives since the film is set years before Resse is sent back to 1984. We already know what happens, so what's the point of the film? I...don't know. It's supposed to jump start the series again, to get the action rolling. Well, you get the action, but not much else. The name of the film "Salvation" is the exact opposite of what happens. The shades in the film are brown, black, and...not much else. One of the terminator reminds me of Transformers, which doesn't make me feel better... The acting is just standard, but with no memorable actors to help, such as Arn- (He's in for one scene, with CGI. It looks really impressive for the most part) The film is standard stale, with a non-memorable plot that differs from the first 3 and has little else, actors that do standard jobs, and dull colors to make you just forget it. It makes you wonder why would anyone want a Terminator 5, considering that you really can't do much with the series anymore. Now then. Let's get to a better reality. Where are those two I asked for? Countdown stars now. 10...This ends Part V of Robot Week.

Overall, I give it 3 out of 10 stars.

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