July 4, 2013

Movie Night: America.

Review #415: America.

Neil Hamilton (Nathan Holden), Erville Alderson (Justice Montague), Carol Dempster (Nancy Montague), Charles Emmett Mack (Charles Montague), Lee Beggs (Samuel Adams), John Dunton (John Hancock), Lionel Barrymore (Capt. Walter Butler), Arthur Donaldson (King George III), Charles Bennett (William Pitt), Frank Walsh (Thomas Jefferson), Frank McGlynn Sr. (Patrick Henry), and Arthur Dewey (George Washington) Directed by D. W. Griffith.

The first film to be reviewed with D. W. Griffith, America was at the last parts of his directing career, and this film wasn't much of a success in 1924. Is the film any good anyway? Sort of. The facial movements aren't bad, but Hamilton and Alderson doesn't exactly do the best job. The battle scenes are alright, and the film tries in the history department, looking decent. The film has a length that I imagine some audiences in 1924 might not have liked, over 2 hours at about 140 minutes, and sometimes it feels slow, but if you want a film that has some patriotism, this might be for you, even if it is a bit dated.

Overall, I give it 7 out of 10 stars.

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