July 10, 2013

Movie Night: A Woman of Affairs.

Review #423: A Woman of Affairs.

Greta Garbo (Diana Merrick Furness), John Gilbert (Neville Holderness), Lewis Stone (Dr. Hugh Trevelyan), Johnny Mack Brown (David Furness), Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (Jeffry Merrick), Hobart Bosworth (Morton Holderness), and Dorothy Sebastian (Constance) Directed by Clarence Brown.

In the six (#256, #261, #330, #349, #400, #415) previous 1920s films I've reviewed here, all of them have been silent films (either involving clowns, vampires, Caligari, a thief, Americans, or pilots), and they seem to run together somehow, a recurring theme. This film breaks that trend, this being a romantic drama, with newcomers for Movie Night, such as Greta Garbo (notable for doing 28 films before retiring at 35), John Gilbert (a notable silent film star who did have star in talkie films briefly), and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, who was a film star much like his father, this being a fine opportunity to have reviewed father and son, which I can only remember one other time doing, with Michael and Kirk Douglas. Anyway, this film is enjoyable enough, and it flows well, not running too long or too short, and the actors do convey emotion pretty well, not failing in their attempts to convey the story rather than having the title cards do it for them. It's a noteworthy film that I do recommend to anyone who wants a good time regardless of the year it was made, which I suppose is enough.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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