April 9, 2018

Lady of the Night (1925).

Review #1069: Lady of the Night.

Norma Shearer (Molly Helmer / Florence Banning), Malcolm McGregor (David Page), Dale Fuller (Miss Carr), George K. Arthur ("Chunky" Dunn), Fred Esmelton (Judge Banning), Lew Harvey (Chris Helmer, Molly's father), Gwen Lee (Molly's friend), and Betty Morrissey (Gertie) Directed by Monta Bell.

I will admit that the concept of someone playing dual roles for a movie is pretty interesting, particularly in the era before CGI such as silent films like this, and it also helps if the actor or actress playing both roles manages to make the roles distinct. The story done to set up the two is a bit sketchy in setting them up, but it isn't anything too harmfully contrived. Shearer plays her two characters with enough contrast and believability to make for a fairly interesting pair of performances. It may interest you to know that Joan Crawford made her film debut in this movie, doing so in a uncredited role, serving as the body double for Shearer for the climax of the film involving Shearer's two characters, which is handled well. Her portrayal of Molly is more interesting to watch on screen than her portrayal of Florence, but the fun is seeing her presence and her grace that seems very believable for the time. McGregor is fairly decent, showing some carefulness and ready nature. The rest of the cast is okay, with Arthur being slightly amusing. The film is a fairly pleasant one, showing its characters and a decent little romance that has the hallmarks that you would expect from a love triangle. It manages to achieve its basic goals of entertainment without resorting to anything overtly ridiculous or anything boring. I won't say that it's a hidden classic or a hallmark of romance, but it is at least a decent experience. The color hues utilized in the film (such as blue or purple) are fairly pretty to look at. With the performances by Shearer, the film doesn't manage to overstay its welcome with its 62 minute run-time. This is a movie that you might find to be a neat little gem if you're in the mood for what it offers and what it shows.

Overall, I give it 7 out of 10 stars.


  1. Nice review Robert. You should do one about jurassic park

    1. Done here: https://officalmovienight.blogspot.com/2014/09/movie-night-jurassic-park.html
