October 13, 2012

Movie Night: Unstoppable.

Review #253: Unstoppable.

Denzel Washington (Frank Barnes), Chris Pine (Will Colson), Rosario Dawson (Connie Hooper), Lew Temple (Ned Oldham), Ethan Suplee (Dewey), Kevin Dunn (Oscar Galvin), and Kevin Corrigan (Scott Werner) Directed by Tony Scott (Top Gun - #029)

Personally, a runaway train is moderately frightening for me. Trains aren't used as much as they were back then when people had to use the train. What does this statement have to do with this review? I'll tell you later. It's been a long while since I've reviewed something of Tony Scott (Brother of Ridley Scott), who directed films from his first in 1983 to his last in 2010. Scott manages to keep the story interesting enough to keep watching, and...the runaway train is actually a bit frightening, with a decent climax. The acting is alright, Washington (last Review of him: Glory - #101) and Pine (last: Star Trek - #009) do a respectable job together, as does the rest of the cast. It should be a note that this was Scott's last film that he directed (I would've mentioned this earlier, but I wanted to make sure that part would be padded to the end), and it is a good way to go out.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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