October 15, 2012

Movie Night: The Giant Claw.

Review #255: The Giant Claw.

Jeff Morrow (Mitch MacAfee), Mara Corday (Sally Caldwell), Morris Ankrum (Lieutenant General Edward Considine), Lou Merrill (Pierre Broussard), Edgar Barrier (Dr. Karol Noymann), and Robert Shayne (General Van Buskirk) Directed by Fred F. Sears.

Whoo, I get to review a 50's film with a "giant claw" and in a limited length of 75 minutes. So how is it? My feelings after the movie? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...To begin with, the film starts out decently, until the giant claw appears, looking...pretty silly. With a mohawk for feathers and a constant yelp, the claw actually rivals another film reviewed here with birds for silliest one ever. Which one? Birdemic: Shock and Terror (#184) Okay, maybe not that silly. The film slowly develops towards its predictable end with "meh" dialogue. How did I hear of this film? I saw a video made by James Rolfe (of Cinemassacre fame) on Monster Madness, which talked about this film. So I decided to watch the film to see all of its madness. And there we go. Although this film did inspire me to think of a new story idea: Gojira vs. The Giant Claw... On second thought, maybe not.

Overall, I give it 3 out of 10 stars.

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