December 15, 2012

Movie Night: Home Alone.

Review #304: Home Alone.

Macaulay Culkin (Kevin McCallister), Joe Pesci (Harry Lyme), Daniel Stern (Marv Murchens), Roberts Blossom (Marley), Catherine O'Hara (Kate McCallister), Devin Ratray (Buzz McCallister), John Heard (Peter McCallister), and John Candy (Gus Polinski) Directed by Chris Columbus (#038 - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, #117 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, #118 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Ah yes, Home Alone. It's fitting to review it right around the Christmas corner, and also fitting to review some actors for the first time here (Gee, that sounds familiar...), which is a good thing. Mostly. And hey, a familiar person involved here as well, John Hughes. (Director and writer of #046 - The Breakfast Club, #207 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off, #249 - Sixteen Candles) So how does this film fare out? It's good...for the most part. I have to admit it is a bit warming to the Christmas spirit, and it does have some good references here and there (With one brief clip on Miracle on 34th Street...which I reviewed previously 5 days ago. Huh.), especially near the end. Ah, yes, what about Macaulay Culkin? (Trying spelling that correctly 5 times) Well, he's not bad (I'd repeat a line I use when mentioning child actors, but I think you know the near standard of child actors already.), he has some moments that give a laugh or two. But my favorite acting performances from this film are from Joe Pesci and Roberts Blossom. I like how Pesci is just so...gnarly offbeat, combined with all that happens to him. As for Blosson, he does giving a small but useful performance that contributes to the film's eager spirit. The rest of the actors do a good job, including Catherine O'Hara and...John Candy? Oh...Yes. The plot is decent, slightly plausible. The traps and comedy are allright, a bit inventive (Even though sometimes I wondered if the traps would lead to really bad injuries...) at times. After over 20 years, this film still has some legs and is enjoyable enough, especially on Christmas. Mostly.

Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.

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