Review #200: Citizen Kane.
Orson Welles (Charles Foster Kane), William Alland (Jerry Thompson), Dorothy Comingore (Susan Alexander Kane), Joseph Cotten (Jedediah Leland), George Coulouris (Walter Parks Thatcher), Everett Sloane (Mr. Bernstein), Ruth Warrick (Emily Monroe Norton Kane), Agnes Moorehead (Mary Kane), Ray Collins (Jim W. Gettys), and Paul Stewart (Raymond) Directed by Orson Welles.
This film feels like a detective story, as you are invested into the life of the man known as Kane. The acting is great, with Welles being the main standout (As it should be) This was his first film that he directed, and this is his more remembered (More so then The Magnificent Ambersons) The film grows on you, it turns from seeing a young, grand Kane to the end, where he is alone, old, in his grand palace, Xanadu. The screenplay is great as well. There aren't many effects in this film, but when they are apparent, they're good. My favorite is the rise of the theater along with the shot of the many Kanes walking in his palace. The ending is just great, giving you a twist that hasn't really been done ever since. It has been 71 years since this film was released, and it is still one of, if not the greatest. For people who want to learn how to make films, it is a grand tool for that department. It may not have been respected as it is today back in 1941, but now it is respected as one of the greatest films of our time. And that ends the 200th Review. Thank you for reading, commenting, and just being there for Movie Night. There's still more to come.
Overall, I give it 10 out of 10 stars.
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