July 3, 2012

Movie Night: Maximum Overdrive.

Review #192: Maximum Overdrive.

Emilio Estevez (William "Bill" Robinson), Pat Hingle (Bubba Hendershot), Laura Harrington (Brett Graham), Yeardley Smith (Connie), John Short (Curtis), Ellen McElduff (Wanda June), Frankie Faison (Handy), Leon Rippy (Brad), and Christopher Murney (Camp Loman) Directed by Stephen King.

The first thing to mention is that this is Stephen King's only directed film which he also wrote (adapted from a short story of his own named Trucks) It's like he wanted to say, "Hey you think you can adapt my novels to books good? Well I can do better!" But...It isn't. The acting is standard, with Estevez doing his best given the role (It's like he acted angry because he had to be in this film) The action is...well action, standard for an action film. The violence is even more standard, getting a bit old after a while. The one thing I find of note to be worthy is the soundtrack by none other then AC/DC. Pure awesome. The film in a way is enjoyable, even with its bizarre explaining in the beginning that's contradicted in the end. It's a weird film, that can be only enjoyed if you let yourself go (there are films you must do that other wise you'll hate it, like...Transformers 2 *snickers*). Countdown to 200: 10, 9, 8....

Overall, I give it 6 out of 10 stars.

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