Review #205: Dick Tracy.
Warren Beatty (Dick Tracy), Al Pacino (Bigboy Caprice), Madonna (Breathless Mahoney), Glenne Headly (Tess Trueheart), Charlie Korsmo (The Kid/Dick Tracy Jr.), Seymour Cassel (Sam Catchun), Charles Durning (Chief Brandon), Dick Van Dyke (John Fletcher), Dustin Hoffman (Mumbles), and William Forsythe (Flattop) Directed by Warren Beatty.
First off, this film is adapted from the comic strip (about a detective who fights crime against various villains) created by Chester Gould in 1931. This already had a few adaptations to films, radio, comic, TV, and novels. Anyway, this film has some similarities to Batman, which had been released a year earlier. Both have dark elements, riveting action, and even the same composer (Danny Elfman) The colors and style in this film are excellent, you see a limited but comic like feel invoked all around. The acting is good, but the fact there is an all star cast in the first place is more interesting. It has good makeup (that garnered an Oscar) The hype for the film might've been a bit much (again sounding familiar to Batman...). The story isn't as developed as Batman, but this film still has enough colors and fun to keep you interested and entertained. The sad thing is that after over 20 years, There have been 0 sequels (though Beatty has recently got the rights back, but he is 75, there's that obstacle), but either way, this is something that will be remembered for being a decent film.
Overall, I give it 8 out of 10 stars.
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